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![Mobirise Website Builder](assets/images/6.jpg)
Мы Вам обязательно поможем!
Add new blocks
Mobirise offers several themes to work with. Each theme includes a set of various blocks: headers, content blocks, galleries and sliders, footers, etc. To add needed blocks to your page, click on the red plus button at the bottom right corner. You can select a needed block type. To add a block, click on it in the list or drag it to your page.
Create new pages
You can have multiple pages in your project. Find the menu icon at the top left corner. Move your cursor over it to open the main menu. Click on the Pages tab to manage your pages. Don't forget to set your page title and description. This info is used by browsers and search engines. The home page of your project cannot be removed.
Mobirise is a free offline app for Windows and Mac to easily create small/medium websites, landing pages, portfolios. 3500+ beautiful website blocks, templates and themes help you to start easily.
Use Mobirise website building software to create multiple sites for commercial and non-profit projects.
Publish your project
Click on the Publish button at the top right corner and select a needed publishing option. Use the Mobirise publish option to publish your test site on our servers. You can publish your site locally if you don't want to publish it online yet.
Accordion FAQ
The number of items is limited in this block. Open the Block parameters to change the amount of items.
Mobirise Kit is a service that provides the access to all current and new themes/extensions developed by Mobirise. New themes/extensions are released every month and will be available in your account during your plan period, without any additional charge.
Yes, Mobirise is free for both non-profit and commercial sites.
This extension allows editing the code of block in the app. Also, it's possible to add code to the head and body parts of pages.
Mobirise Kit is a service that provides the access to all current and new themes/extensions developed by Mobirise. New themes/extensions are released every month and will be available in your account during your plan period, without any additional charge.
Yes, Mobirise is free for both non-profit and commercial sites.
Coming Soon
Follow us online to find out when we launch.
Mobirise is a free offline app for Windows and Mac to easily create small/medium websites, landing pages, online resumes and portfolios. 2500+ beautiful website blocks, templates and themes help you to start easily.
Mobirise is perfect for non-techies who are not familiar with the intricacies of web development.
Project Planning
Mobirise is perfect for non-techies who are not familiar with the intricacies of web development.
Mobirise is perfect for non-techies who are not familiar with the intricacies of web development.
Product List
![Mobirise Website Builder](assets/images/product1.jpg)
Themes in the Mobirise website builder offer multiple blocks: intros, sliders, galleries, forms, articles, and so on. Start a project and click on the red plus buttons to see the blocks available for your theme.
![Mobirise Website Builder](assets/images/product2.jpg)
Themes in the Mobirise website builder offer multiple blocks: intros, sliders, galleries, forms, articles, and so on. Start a project and click on the red plus buttons to see the blocks available for your theme.
![Mobirise Website Builder](assets/images/product3.jpg)
Themes in the Mobirise website builder offer multiple blocks: intros, sliders, galleries, forms, articles, and so on. Start a project and click on the red plus buttons to see the blocks available for your theme.
Built with
HTML Builder